Friday, September 25, 2009

#6: The Five Love Languages

I am not a big reader of self help books. However, about 2 years ago I heard some wonderful things about a self help book called, "The Five Love Languages." My husband had recently left for basic training and I was ready to read myself through the coming months. I figured that a book on how to maintain positive communication of love would be useful for us since we were in the first stage of what could be a pretty long separation. Admittedly, it took me almost 2 years to read the book that I purchased. But since that 2 years happened last week I can safely say that I am very glad that I did.

My husband and I are very happy. We have a healthy relationship and we love each other very much. I think that for the most part we both feel loved and satisfied with our relationship. After reading this book, I feel that we could probably increase the happiness that we feel. And I definitely feel better about my ability to make sure that my husband feels loved.

"The Five Love Languages" is all about the different ways that different people express love. It is about finding your own love language and your spouses love language and learning to speak them both so that both parties feel loved and content in their relationships. The basic principle is that we often do for our mate what we would want done for ourselves. However, if our mate speaks a different love language than we do they might not realize how often and how amazingly we are showing our love for them.

This book was both an interesting and easy read. It could be read easily within the space of three or four days. It was written in a language that I could understand and not for one second did I feel bored by it. I would recommend this book to any and all couples. The ones that are struggling or feeling unloved would benefit immensely and the ones that feel happy and confident would feel reinforced, invigorated, and enlightened.

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